DMCA Disclaimer:

We acknowledge that all trademarks displayed on this site, whether registered or not, belong to their respective owners. According to the DMCA Disclaimer and other applicable laws, ApkAssault responds to notices of alleged infringement in a compliant manner. We will make a good-faith effort to contact the developer who submitted the material in case ApkAssault receives a complaint and removes or disables access to material that has been claimed to be infringing on our site, and also follow the DMCA guidelines, to make sure the developer receives a counter-notice if it is claimed to be infringing.

Infringing material notices and counter-notifications are subject to DMCA and other applicable laws. A lawyer should be consulted before serving any notices. ApkAssault’s obligations and rights under the DMCA are set forth below. The following is not legal advice but serves to comply with ApkAssault’s obligations under the DMCA.

Notice of Copyright Infringing:

Please provide the following information in your notification of infringing material on ApkAssault:

  • Signatures of authorized developers or development teams authorized to act on behalf of intellectual property owners whose rights are alleged to have been violated. It is necessary for agencies to provide a copy of a “Physical Authorization Letter” in order to deal with all copyright issues.
  • There should be an identification of the copyrighted work allegedly infringed at that online site or a list of all copyrighted works at that online site that is allegedly infringed.
  • If you include URLs in the body of your email, we will be able to find content much more quickly.
  • Address, telephone number, and, if available, e-mail address reasonably sufficient to reach the complaining party, including a reasonable amount of information so that the service provider can get in touch with the complaining party.
  • Complaining parties must state that they believe the content cannot be used in the manner complained of by the copyright owner or their agent.
  • To act on behalf of an exclusive right owner, the notification must be certified under penalty of perjury. Those who knowingly and materially misrepresent material or activities as infringing may be liable for damages under Section 512(f).

Important Note;

If you think it’s your intellectual property and we should remove it immediately then please send us an Email: at [email protected] and we will remove it within 5 minutes. Protection Status